We have collected common errors experienced by users of the JS SDK with information on how to address them.
Area | Error message | Potential reason and a remedy |
When launching requestor script | Error: Unable to create allocation for driver/network erc20/goerli. There is no requestor account supporting this platform. | Payment driver is not initialized for the network you use in the requestor script. Run yagna payment init or update the JS SDK to @golem-sdk/golem-js . |
When launching requestor script | Error: Could not create new allocation. Insufficient funds to make allocation. Top up your account or release all existing allocations to unlock the funds via yagna payment release-allocations | You can add additional funds on the test network by yagna payment fund or unlock the funds via yagna payment release-allocations . |
When launching requestor script. | Error: Unable to get requestor accounts Invalid application key. | Please make sure your script uses the defined api-key. You can check what keys are configured using: yagna app-key list or autoconfigure one by setting the environment variable YAGNA_AUTOCONF_APPKEY . Please see Yagna installation example for instructions on how to do it. |
When launching requestor script in browser. | Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. | Make sure you start Yagna with proper parameters: yagna service run --api-allow-origin='http://localhost:3000' . |
When launching requestor script. | Error: Unable to get requestor accounts Error: connect ECONNREFUSED | Make sure your yagna service is up and running i.e. yagna --version . |
After running yagna payment fund --network goerli . | Error: deadline has elapsed | Run the command again. |
When starting yagna with --api-allow-origin . | Error: Found argument '--api-allow-origin' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context. | CORS is supported in versions 0.13 - please download release candidate of that version if the stable is not available. |
In requestor script output. | Error: connect ECONNREFUSED | Please make sure your yagna is still running and available. |
When uploading file to a provider. | WARN: Task error on provider fractal_01_1.h. Error: Local service error: Transfer error: Send error: send failed because receiver is gone. Stdout: undefined. Stderr: undefined. | The folder where you try to upload the file is not defined as VOLUME in the Dockerfile . |
When downloading file from a provider. | WARN: Task error on provider fractal_02_2.h. Error: Local service error: Transfer error: IO error: path not found in container: /golem/work/file.txt. Stdout: undefined. Stderr: undefined. | The /golem/work folder is not defined as VOLUME in the Dockerfile . |